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Foolander: The Fool's Calendar 

FOoliSh GrEetiNgS frOM thE FOoLS GuiLD!
This is the latest issue of the Foolander.

In this issue:
Joker on line.
Thu, Fri & Sat, Nov 21 to 23 & Dec 5 to 21 - Rocket Ride, Long Beach
Sat & Sun, Nov. 23 to Dec. 22 - Dickens Christmas Fair, San Francisco
Sat & Sun, December 7 & 8 - QuarterMaster, Dickens
Thu, Fri, Sat & Sun, December 7 to 15 - A Christmas Carol, Long Beach
Saturday, December 14 - Holiday Sale, LA 90048
Now - Faire Folk at Work
Coat of Arms - Do you have one?


Joker on line now.
The Joker on line is the Bard O'LaterJoker 2
You can find the current Joker, past Jokers and links
to some Fools Guild videos at:

We will always post the Joker on line.
To receive future Jokers printed and mailed
we need $5 donations to cover the printing and
mailing expenses of each Joker.
A $20 donation will entitle you to 4 issues.

SELECT 'Send money to friends or family’ or donate extra to cover fees
To: FoolsFund@FoolsgGuild.org
Include your mailing address in your message.

MAIL Checks or Money Orders to:
The Fools Guild
5758 Bevis Av
Van Nuys, CA 91411


Steam Powered Rocket Ride to the Moon

Thu, Fri & Sat at 8PM
November 21 to 23 and
December 5 to 21

Travel back in time to 1933 Long Beach in
this family friendly Garage Theatre holiday classic

The Garage Theatre
251 E. 7th St
Long Beach, CA 90813

The Garage Theatre


The Great Dickens Christmas Fair
The Cow Palace, San Francisco

5 Weekends including Friday after Thanksgiving
Nov. 23 to Dec. 22 ­ 10AM to 6PM

The Great Dickens Christmas Fair & Victorian Holiday Party
showcases over three acres of exhibition halls transformed
into a brilliant facsimile of Victorian London.

Cow Palace Exhibition Halls
2600 Geneva Av
Daly City, CA 94014

Dickens Christmas Fair

QuarterMaster will be performing, Dec 7-8 only
Check at the Paddy West stage for showtimes


King Bard O'Later and Terry Hill in
A Christmas Carol

December 7 to 15
Thu, Fri & Sat 8PM
Sunday 2PM

The Long Beach Shakespeare Company's annual
A Christmas Carol Old Time Radio production.

Helen Borgers Theatre
4250 Atlantic Av
Long Beach 90807

A Christmas Carol


Annual Holiday Sale Of Hand Made Gifts!
Saturday December 14. 12-5PM
1838 N Vista St
Los Angeles
CA 90046

Support your local artisans, find those one of a kind gifts.
Ceramics, Knitwear, Resin Art, Jewelry,
Woodworks, Leather and Eclectic Clothing
and Accessories, and some holiday baked goodies!
This is a shine only event
Parking passes provided while you shop
Bring your family and friends


Faire Folk at Work
Dan McLaughlin

People who have lived at Faire and have worked at life
The history of the Faire in podcast interviews of more than 61 Faire Folk
including many of the Fools Guild community
Faire Folk at Work
More info


You can own your very own
Only $20 includes tax/shipping.
Include your mailing address and “Color FOOL PIN"
Venmo: @Heidi-Barthelemy
Heidi Barthelemy


Please send all announcements of parties, shows and other foolish
activities for inclusion in future Foolanders to MichaelKember

Foolson FB
The Fools Guild

Usage of this site signifies that you are a fool.